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Welcome to the Official Website of the Book Series


The Americas Under the Shadows of Terror.
“The Rise of Narco-Terrorism in the Americas.”
Book One

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Dear reader,

As we embark together on the riveting literary journey within the captivating pages of "DANGEROUS TIMES," a series of books, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of purpose and a shared commitment to unravelling the intricate challenges our world currently grapples with.

“DANGEROUS TIMES, The Americas Under the Shadows of Terror,” the inaugural book of this series, and its subsequent installments, transcend mere compilations of facts and stories. Instead, they stand as a testament to the collective effort required to confront the escalating spectre of terrorism, narco-terrorism, and transnational crime, along with their ominous implications for global security. Within these pages, you will find narratives that are not isolated incidents but interconnected threads, weaving a broader tapestry of our shared human experience.

"As I weave the threads of 'DANGEROUS TIMES,' I find myself retracing the gritty footsteps of my past—a counter-narcotics officer navigating the labyrinth of drug cartels, a sentinel in the realm of geopolitical security intelligence, "Amidst ongoing discussions of global terrorism, it is crucial to make your voice heard. Speak up and let your opinion make a difference in the fight against this threat. Each word in this narrative bears the indelible imprints of real encounters—the palpable tension of covert operations, the chill of deciphering geopolitical puzzles, and the weight of responsibility as an advisor in the ever-evolving theatre of transnational crime, terrorism, and narco-terrorism.

I extend a heartfelt invitation to you to delve into the intricate web of global money-laundering operations, the audacious expansion of narco-terrorism and terrorism, and the subtle infiltration of criminal organizations into the very fabric of nations. Through these gripping stories, I intend to shine a brilliant light on the urgent need for a unified global response to these pressing challenges.

While the narratives may unveil the darkness that exists, they also carry a powerful message of hope and courage. The human spirit, when faced with overwhelming adversity, possesses the innate power to endure, resist, and ultimately prevail. “DANGEROUS TIMES” thrives on this resilience.

As you turn the pages of this literary saga, I urge you to ponder intensely on the shared responsibility we collectively hold to safeguard our world. Let these stories serve as a clarion call to action, inspiring us all to actively contribute towards a future where security is not merely a privilege but an inalienable right for every individual.

I express my sincere gratitude for joining me on this exploration. May our collective journey through these "DANGEROUS TIMES" ignite vital conversations, foster understanding, and contribute substantially, paving the way for a safer, more secure world. 


With heartfelt gratitude,

Personal E-signature



Transnational Crime


Irregular Migration




Drug Cartels

Human Trafficking

Johan's Story

Johan Obdola has a remarkable life, combining personal and professional experiences as a geopolitical and intelligence analyst, advisor, and consultant in conflict-ridden nations. With his multicultural background as a Venezuelan-born Canadian citizen, he has become renowned as one of the foremost experts on narco-terrorism. Throughout Johan's journey, he has encountered various obstacles, including life-threatening attempts orchestrated by drug cartels due to his prominent position.

In 1996, he sought refuge in Canada and began a mission to fight narco-terrorism and other global security challenges. Besides Johan's responsibilities as president of IOSI GLOBAL, he is also serving on international boards, mentoring students, and participating in humanitarian initiatives to support vulnerable populations in Venezuela and other nations. He often shares his insights in the media, influencing discussions on important global matters. Despite facing threats and challenges, Johan remains steadfast in his commitment to justice and peace, making him a pivotal figure in the fight against narco-terrorism and transnational crime.




The Americas Under the Shadows of Terror


Las Américas Bajo las Sombras del Terror


Mas Informacion

In Kürze

More Info


Welcome to TESTIMONIALS, where thrilling stories intertwine with profound revelations. Delve into the gripping narratives and personal testimonies that unveil the terrifying underbelly of our world. Explore our testimonials section to read moving accounts from internationally respected experts, officials, and friends who have been genuinely touched by the stories within these pages. Come join us on this literary adventure where we will uncover hidden truths that lie beneath the surface of our world.

Media & PRESS
Media. Arab News
Media. Defense IQ
Media. FOX News 40
Media. Dialogo Americas
Media. Diario El Tiempo
Media. Gulf Times
Media. News
Media. FOX News
Media The National. UAE
Media. Khaleej Times
Media. Daily Star

The Author and the Media


The photos and other images displayed in this gallery serve as a true reflection of the author's professional work.



IOSI GLOBAL and its branches, including IOSI Operations, IOSI Intelligence, and IOSI Media, proudly endorse this book series authored by Johan Obdola, with the help of renowned experts from around the world.

Supporting Organizations

IOSI GLOBAL Intel and Ops.

Life / Death & Between

Welcome to my website, dedicated to showcasing my book series, DANGEROUS TIMES. Additionally, I invite you to explore "Stanza," a space where I share thought-provoking poetry, personal reflections, and creative expressions. Through my work, I delve into the complexities of the human experience, navigating themes of pain, resilience, and hope.

My perspective is influenced by  my very particular sense of humor, poetry, and meditation, offering a unique lens on life's challenges. Whether you're intrigued or simply curious, I encourage you to engage with Stanza, read, share, and join the conversation.

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